Choom - A THC-infused Sparkling Beverage

10mg THC & CBD
A sparkling lemon-lime beverage infused with 10mg THC and CBD.
With a cozy dose of THC and CBD, Choom is all about elevation and settling in at cruising altitude.
real juice — 3 calories — non-alcoholic

Choom Lite
3mg THC & CBD
A sparkling lemon-lime beverage infused with 3mg THC and CBD.
With a low dose of THC and CBD, Choom Lite is all about the gentle uplift, keeping you grounded while your mood takes flight.
real juice — 3 calories — non-alcoholic

Solar Choom
10mg THC & CBD
An electrifying blend of pineapple, pomelo and tangerine.
real juice — 12 calories — non-alcoholic

Solar Choom Lite
3mg THC & CBD
An electrifying blend of pineapple, pomelo and tangerine.
real juice — 12 calories — non-alcoholic